

ALRIGHT...the second strip!!! So like I mentioned earlier...the "Real World" is good old BLACK & WHITE. This idea comes from(you've probably already figured it out;p)THE WIZARD OF OZ. After the twister deposits Dorothy's house in OZ, she steps through her front door and and into the "Fantasy World" of FULL-COLOR. The three characters in comic #2 are: Chris Mylark(Blueburt Battleback), Jon James(Novice Dungeon Master/Tattoo Artist), and Roxanne "Xann" Rayne(Ebony Atlas). You'll be seeing Ebony a little later on in the story. Now if you're wondering..."What the hell is C.R.S.???...don't worry...it will be explained in #3. C.R.S. is a running joke where I work. I just had to fit it into the comic somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Motmaitre. You can create up to 10 pages in blogger which appear in your menu bar. I put the first comic on a page and w/ a little knowledge of HTML...you can create links to the other comics.(something like this pasted at the top of the page):

    (a href="paste web address of comic#1 here")BACK(/a) / (a href="paste web address of comic#3 here")NEXT(/a)

    NOTE: You have to use < & > in place of ( & ). I just had to do that in order for you to be able to see what the HTML looks like because it creates a link if I type it correctly...like here:


    It can be a little confusing at first, but easy once you get the hang of it. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.:)
